Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hologram BY: KB © 1.11.15

Man oh man.....T.D. Jakes is really letting me have it today. I'm on the chapter that carries the title of the book: Cay You Stand To Be Blessed....

All I can say is MY GOD!!!!! I was on pg. 87 where it read: "We have weeded out all the women who say they want a husband and children but don't want to cook, care or clean. We have weeded out all the men who say they want a wife but don't want to love, provide and nourish! Most people are in love with the image of success, but they haven't contemplated the reality of possessing the blessing."

My mind immediately flashed to the word and the concept of a hologram. If you remember a while back some promoter came up with the idea of having a Tupac hologram perform at Coachella and more recently there was a Michael Jackson hologram performance. People lost their collective minds for the performances does this relate you ask?  More often than not we are willing to sell ourselves just to protect and project an image. We really don't put a whole lot of stock in the thing as long as we are perceived a certain way. We don't care about that thing as long as OUR need is being met. In other words our hologram may appear to the outside world as the genuine thing but it's really a bunch of nothingness.

Now, I'm not begrudging anyone their success...I truly believe that we have a responsibility to God and to share our successes or at the very least the knowledge of how we obtained success.

Luke 12:48    ......... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Are you in a holding pattern for your success? What is required of you? Are you willing to do it or are you perfectly content with a hologram?

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