Saturday, January 24, 2015

2 Timothy 3:16 BY: KB © 1.24.15

Have I mentioned just how much I love Oswald Chambers and the devotional My Utmost for His Highest? I have read the book from cover to cover several times now and like the Bible, each reading brings new insight and revelation. God is truly a wonder.

Bringing me to my point, a saw this little blurb posted in the margin of the devotional:
An intellectual conception of God may be found in a bad vicious character. The knowledge and vision of God is dependent entirely on a pure heart. Character determines the revelation of God to the individual. The pure in heart see God. Biblical Ethics, 125 R

I was struggling with my focus and prayer this morning, that was until I muted the sound of the television and spoke the words my heart was feeling but I could never seem to articulate. A fact which ties me to the reading.

 I was constantly intellectualizing God. I would quote and discuss scripture with the tenacity of an orthodox rabbi but the word hadn't made the two foot jump from my head to my heart and my words, thoughts and deeds often reflected it.

A series of life circumstances caused my knees to bend in a way that they have never been positioned. These same circumstances sloughed the callus from my heart. At this point I not only understood, I felt, I emoted and most important I lived the word...the word actually became living waters...REAL LIFE

God is meant to be lived, felt, breathed, spoken and demonstrated......

How ya livin'?!

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