Sunday, January 4, 2015

Dice - Craps BY: KB © 1.4.15

I had a relatively cool day yesterday; I was up at the crack of dawn and got busy...I was totally devastated by 8 pm. I knew Dice wasn't feeling well Friday when I got home from work but his behavior was nothing unusual for Dice. He display his usual cantankerous self following me through the house fussing..only difference was that he was a little listless and he kept licking his lips. I noticed a couple of droplets of blood but just assumed he'd been fighting or ate something he shouldn't have. He ate and drank as usual and he attacked my hand under the blanket for about 20 minutes. I gave him scratches and chin scratches until we both fell fast asleep.  

Fast forward Saturday afternoon. My housemate came home from her holiday vacation and noticed that Dice was more listless. He was just sitting in a patch of sour grass. I told her that I thought he hurt his mouth but he wouldn't let me check it. She said to me that his symptoms sounds like he had gotten into some poison. She saw Dice stumble as he attempted to follow her. She bundled the fat man up and took him to the vet........

The fat bundle of annoying joy had to be put down due to kidney failure and possible lymphoma...
I then get a phone call,  it was almost midnight in the ATL, from my sweet girl "Munkey" who told me that she saw my Facebook post about Dice and to share that her precious diva of a cat passed away over the holiday. Minka was almost 20 years old...

pet paradise *sigh* 

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