Sunday, January 11, 2015

Does it bring life? (pt.2) BY: KB © 1.11.15

I've been reading this most amazing and thought provoking book which has helped to feed and nurture my spiritual awakening. This book has literally served as leg braces, transforming my unsteady oft unsteady spiritual gait.

T.D. Jakes got me with these sentences today "The search for God is a primary step into worship. We never search for things we don't value."

Huh?!!! Did he really say that? We absolutely look for things we don't value...but we do it because we don't value God enough to put in the work necessary to live a transformed life. We want to believe we're in control. We want to identify with Christ but want to stop just short of the cross.
Seriously, we can and will associate ourselves with things that don't bring life (dead thing) all day every day. T.D. says "We have become a nation of priests who spend too much time touching the dead and not enough time washing our hearts with pure water....If we would reach new levels in worship, then we wouldn't be able to touch dead things!"

Numbers 19:13  13 Whoever touches the body of anyone who has died, and does not purify himself, defiles the tabernacle of the Lord. That person shall be cut off from Israel. He shall be unclean, because the water of purification was not sprinkled on him; his uncleanness is still on him.

Now, I'm not talking about running anyone's inventory, I'm talking about YOUR INDIVIDUAL  spiritual walk. Will that "thing" you're focusing you attentions on be a help or a hindrance to you spiritually?

We have become comfortable drinking tainted waters and we have divorced our consciences as a way to develop immunities. We have placed other things on the throne and keep Christ on the cross; meaning instead of placing Him on the throne we are constantly asking Him to atone for our sins. We'll talk about and sing about faith all day long but we cannot tap into it because are heart and minds are preoccupied with the things we have placed on the throne and we don't have full access to God because of it.

What have you allowed to be exalted over God?

How ya livin'?!!!

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