Thursday, January 1, 2015

Guard your heart By : KB © 1.1.15

My neighborhood chose to ring in the New Year with fireworks and gun shots: I heard them both. I always have to bring the pets in early, to keep the safe during major holidays. It's funny how we have to protect certain things because other people choose to be reckless
My devotional reading for today discussed question that leads us into the 
new year see:

My thoughts were on things that pushed or dragged us into the new year. I then flash on something that I wrote about guarding your heart; Proverbs 4: 22- 24     22 For they are life to those who find them And health to all their body. 23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. 24 Put away from you a deceitful mouth And put devious speech far from you.…

why is this my word for a brand new year....I guess I subliminally motivated by all the New Year retrospectives; it's the word that rests in my spirit none the less. Guard my heart...

As I had previously mentioned, 2014 was full of emotional tests and trials...I had some choices in the matter but not all. I stuffed hurt and I dismissed some things I should not have.  I was led by my ego attempting to exalt itself over God. Like the joke goes "your ego is NOT your amigo!"

Why Guard Your Heart?
We don’t protect things we deem worthless. Our garbage gets taken out and placed on the streets at night. It is picked up in the morning. It sits on the sidewalk all night, completely unguarded. Why? Because it is worthless.

This is not true for the heart; the heart should  be kept under extreme lock and key. It is the essence of who you are. It is your authentic self—the core of your being. It is where all your dreams, your desires, and your passions live. It is that part of you that connects with God and other people. Just like your physical body, if your heart—your spiritual heart—dies, your leadership dies, your purpose and vision to drive that purpose dies.

It's a sad reality of life....but hurt and pain are often the best teachers. I am so very grateful for the lessons and the "balm"  and solace that can be found only in the love of God. Funny thing is, most things that have been through battle are usually, beaten battered and scarred beyond belief; PTSD notwithstanding....but the heart, when placed in the hands of God seems to grow and thrive

I have faith and hope for the new year 

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