Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Asking Amiss BY: KB © 3.3.15

So I'm sitting in the doctor's office waiting to be called when all of a sudden....WHAM! The Spirit did a drive by...well, not so much a dive by, more like slapping me upside the head like my mom used to do. I don't know if my head and heart can take so much revelation in one week....but God knows.

So, I'm sitting there reading  Max Lucado when all of a sudden this scripture dropped into my spirit.

James 4:3 King James Version (KJV)     3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

I had been feeling both angry and blue for a couple of days because I was praying for something to happen. Knowing Praying with the knowledge of God's will and way but I was still using MY understanding and not asking for the discernment of the Spirit....and then this wonderful verse came to my rescue. I WAS PRAYING WRONG !

James provided an answer in James 4:3: "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss…."The Greek word for "amiss" is kakos, which definition indicates that something that is bad or wrong. As James uses it in this verse, it depicts a person who is asking wrongly, badly, or inappropriately. It could be said that this person is simply off  the mark in his request. Although he/she prays with the greatest zeal and fervor, he/she is off target with what he/she is asking. This person is apparently asking God to do something that is not aligned with His Word. Therefore, regardless of how long or how passionately the person asks, God will not answer his request with a positive answer because it is not in agreement with the Word.

Maybe this person is asking for the right thing, but because he/she is so fretful and filled with doubt, fear and anxiety, he/she doesn't ask with a faith that honors God. Rather than praying from a position of faith, he/she cries out to the Lord in fear and anxiety convicted and convinced that their cry is passionate prayer. Fear doesn't move God - faith does. This person may be asking for the right thing, he/she is asking from a wrong spirit. Thus, he is asking badly or inappropriately.

This means what we ask and how we ask are both of vital importance if we are going to get our prayers answered!

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