Sunday, October 8, 2017

Amerikkka by: KB 10.8.17

Let’s all be very clear about this…Blacks have a “place” in this country. We obviously have gotten “uppity” and stepped out of our roles as entertainment and servants. The climate and temperament of this country and its leadership is proof positive that Blacks are the bastard children (not sons of bitches) that Amerikkka can’t hide.
Amerikkka’s chattel; generations of property and political pawns and puppets following leaders who were elevated by the same powers who are attempting to keep us corralled and complicit in our own demise…
Please before you claim allegiance to anything or any group claim allegiance to the beauty and power of your culture. Think of Malcolm X’s Speech in Harlem. I don’t see or read this speech as an indictment on all of White America….I read it as a “calling out” of the 1%  that seem to dictate  and the spineless “well intended” White liberal….the person that talks the talk but continues to move in and out of their privilege; remaining loyal to the “cause” until it costs.
 I must emphasize at the out start that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not a politician. So I'm not here this afternoon as a Republican, nor as a Democrat; not as a Mason, nor as an Elk; not as a Protestant, nor a Catholic; not as a Christian, nor a Jew; not as a Baptist, nor a Methodist; in fact, not even as an American, because if I was an American, the problem that confronts our people today wouldn't even exist.
So I have to stand here today as what I was when I was born: A black man.
Before there was any such thing as a Republican or a Democrat, we were black.
Before there was any such thing as a Mason or an Elk, we were black.
Before there was any such thing as a Jew or a Christian, we were black people!
In fact, before there was any such place as America, we were black!
And after America has long passed from the scene, there will still be black people.
I'm gonna tell you like it really is. Every election year these politicians are sent up here to pacify us! They're sent here and setup here by the White Man!
This is what they do!
They send drugs in Harlem down here to pacify us!
They send alcohol down here to pacify us!
They send prostitution down here to pacify us!
Why you can't even get drugs in Harlem without the White Man's permission!
You can't get prostitution in Harlem without the White Man's permission!
You can't get gambling in Harlem without the White Man's permission!
Every time you break the seal on that liquor bottle, that's a Government seal you're breaking!
Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had!
Ya been took!
Ya been hoodwinked!
Led astray!
Run amok!
This is what He does....

I celebrate all cultures and diversity. We must find a way to make this work, resisting the elitist who seem to believe that this country is their whore to pleasure them on command/demand. We must acknowledge the brutality and lies of what we call history…for the Indigenous, for the Asians, for the Japanese, for the Irish, for the Blacks, for the Jew, for the Muslim, for the Hispanics, for the LBGTQ, for women…the list is expansive but the people who were under attack in history appear to be the same groups under attack now. THIS IN NO COINCIDENCE! This is a cruel calculated plan by your government

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Liberty And Justice For All BY: KB 1.25.17

I was watching the morning news when the reporter stopped a college student and asked her about Trump halting Obama’s refugee policy and the woman said something blah blah blah patriotic…like she ate the placard on the statue of liberty….then she said something I found very interesting “everybody has the right to feel safe” she said it with such conviction that I had to pause for a minute to think about that statement.

Now before you get to calling me all kinds of racists and bigots….think about what I’m saying here when I say “safe” is a word created from the WHITE male perspective to protect privilege….and any person of color is delusional if they believe that word is used to incorporate them. Not saying we don’t have a right to safety but is it really safety when it’s not controlled by you (let that sink in). You have to obtain some sort of pass in order to be safe.

Were the Natives (indigenous) safe? Colonizers took their land and are still taking it. Colonizers introduced diseases that are still proliferating today because health care is a right that is now being controlled. Africans were forcibly brought to these shores as a source of labor. Families were torn apart for profit and gain. Lives were taken for all sorts of subjective offenses. Diseases were introduced. Rape was a way of life for the women… Move slightly ahead in history we weren’t allowed to share the same facilities but it was most likely that a grandfather and a son were weaned on a Black breast because a White woman was considered too delicate to feed her own child but we couldn’t drink from the same fountain.

East Indian, Pakistani, Mexican, Filipino, Syrian, Iraqi, African, Jew, Muslim, woman and LBGTQ (my apologies if I’ve forgotten to list any of the modern day oppressed…but believe me this is a list I wish I didn’t have to keep) do you now or have you ever felt completely safe in this country? Now, from my perspective I have to ask this question – how does it feel to be the new millennium nigger? It was all a matter of time until the “powers” got around to  including you  - will you continue to deny it’s happening and enjoy your few crumbs of privilege or will you now grow a pair and fight for that little line we overlook…you know “liberty and justice for all”

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Who taught you to hate? BY KB: 1.21.17

A while back, when I returned to school to get my B.A., I believe it was ’04. I created a little audio visual presentation on cultural diversity for part of my compilation of work for my senior project. I’m going to share bits and pieces of the presentation. I must first give you a bit of the background that led me to revamp and repost. My niece posted something about Disney, her babies love Disney films. I pointed out how Disney was a notorious anti-Semite and that the older cartoons are extremely racist. My niece highlighted her position by noting the newer films appeared to more inclusive.  I highlighted my point by mentioning two of the “newer” films that appeared to be inclusive cultivated stereotypes in a subtle way and how we get sucked in because the presentation is entertaining. Let that sink in for a moment; racism and bigotry as a form of entertainment…..

My family is blended and extended to the point of being an all-inclusive melting pot of what we want America to be: African American, Scott-Irish, Native American, Latin, German, Filipino, homo and hetero and I’m sure other things I’ve yet to discover. The thing that really disturbs me about this magical melting pot is that some folks enjoy the “passing” …I was going to write the “privilege of passing” but to me it’s not a privilege it’s a subtle form of self-loathing and internalized racism. Then there is the faction that allows the pass…not calling out racism and bigotry; often citing “I don’t want to make waves”,  “they didn’t mean it”, or I’m going to pray for them.”  Let me just say it’s nice to have hope and believe in the better but it’s equally important to let people know that their racism and bigotry was noticed and the behavior is unacceptable. It’s important to teach the younger generations their TRUE history…not the whitewashed and sterilized versions that school teach…. I got those lessons first hand. My grandfather told me stories of him being a grown man and trying to hold his temper and hands when a youngster referred to him as boy. Living in a society where he had to answer with the title “Sir”   My gramps was functionally illiterate but his mind was sharp as a tack. He memorized every employee and badge number of employee in his steel mill to become a foreman. I watched my mother struggle to go to school at night to obtain her degree while feeding and clothing 3 small kids. I hated the fact that my mother strove to be the  “Julia” ( tv show- Diahann Carroll) first negro in the neighborhood. There were times where my mother had to threaten landlords with court actions for failure to rent to Blacks. I often listened to my mother’s hairdresser discuss Blacks in stereotypical terms while they did her hair; my mother had long straight hair so she had to go to White hairdressers because the Black hairdressers were trained for pressing and perms. I often hear my mother use her “White” speech” (our own form of racism and bigotry) in responding. The bigotry in the mutual exchange.

I have become diligent and militant in my own beliefs….I remember my mother taking a course in Black literature and I, being an ardent reader, grabbed the paperback and devoured it…I read Soul On Ice at age 8. I also read literature about Black History and the Black Power movement. I was trying to obtain Panther literature, much to the dismay of my father (the rank and file negro who truly believed he’d be labeled a Communist by my striving)  I’m not totally free of my own isms and bigotry but I AM self-aware and I can check and correct myself when I feel myself going there….but I’m not giving a pass to the “free white and 21 male dominated power structure” of this country. I am not afraid to call out White privilege. I am not a self-loathing ANYTHING!

All this history brings me to the question: who or what taught you to hate? I’m going to provide a few images that have bombarded my childhood and are being subtly shifted an manipulated to future generations. I’m challenging people to WAKE THE HELL UP and think about the messages that they are being fed.

Which pill are you taking to enter the Matrix?