Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Life Of Lacking

A Life of Lacking
BY: KB 10.28.16

Just think about how many blessings
We miss out on
because we are fixated on what we want
not fully realizing that what we want
in comparison to His abundance
is anemic, feeble and gaunt
just think about how we must grieve The Holy Spirit
presenting God’s gift to us
but we refuse to see and hear it
Just think about how many blessings
We miss out on
Avoiding a life most rich
Saying and acting that we know more than God
Constantly choosing to live life off blessings road
Begging from ditch to ditch

A Kiss

A Kiss
BY: KB 5.15.16

She blew me a kiss
I could see was the perfection in her make up
She blew me a kiss
Her lips beckoned me
Speaking an inaudible call that only my heart could hear
I want so badly to hear the words
I can’t help but draw near

A Hug

A Hug
BY: KB  8.4.16

Let me hold you
Enfolding and engulfing you in the warmth of my arms
Let me hold you
Pressing your body so close that our hearts beat in unison
Let me hold you
In a mutual exchange of safety and security
Let me hold you
A soothing balm absorbing and easing all life’s pain
Let me hold you
A silent “I love you”

A Heavenly Place

A heavenly place
by: KB  5/26/16

A heavenly place
is in your embrace
a righteous, soul healing, binding
that restricts all my inner demons
a soft whisper that soothes my soul
A heavenly place
is in your embrace 
where I want to retire and grow old

A Good Woman

A Good Woman
BY: KB 6.14.15

A good woman doesn’t want perfect
Only a fool would even try to set that high a goal
She just wants your honesty
And someone to have and hold

A good woman doesn’t want perfect
She wants and needs fidelity
Someone that she know will be there
Loving her exclusively

A good woman doesn’t want perfect
She wants someone to have her back
Not just talking about it but being about it
She’ll see it in how you act

A good woman doesn’t want perfect
She wants to know and feel love
She looks to you to be treated
Like a gift from God hand delivered from above

You know what?
I got a good woman!

A Good Woman Loves Hard

A Good Woman
BY: KB 7.5.16

A good woman loves hard
And gives 100%
She knows no other way
A good woman loves hard
Don’t you dare step to her
If you have no intentions on following through
If you toy with her emotions she’ll only grow to resent you
A good woman loves hard
Show her that you care
A good woman loves hard
Despite her conflicted emotions from past hurts show her that you’ll always be there

A Good Read

A Good Read
BY: KB  7.30.16

You are my favorite book
I want to read every night
You are my favorite book
That I want to memorize chapter and verse

A Force

A Force
BY: KB 6.22.16

Love is a fluid force
It cannot be stopped
It can be diverted and delayed
It can be blocked momentarily
Its force will eventually build up and burst forth
And it will carry on to its destination
Washing over you with an abundance of hope

A Fight

A Fight
BY: KB  4.30.16

We had an argument
A disagreement
She wanted things her way and I wanted mine
Now she’s looking hurt and crying
Me, in my stubbornness am rendered deaf and blind
I try to replay things said and done
Asking how can I be so mean?
Unnecessary pride, entrenching me
Fuel to defile my queen
Bitter words of long harbored resentments
Verbal brutality
We had an argument
I see the intense pain and hurt in her eyes
I ask myself how my unspoken expectations
Transform my gift into something I despise
I acknowledge my wrong and apologize
Extending a peace dove
Embracing my queen so tight as we make sweet apologetic love

A Dreamer

A Dreamer

BY: KB  11.26.16

Some say I am a dreamer
Mentally reaching beyond my means
I say to them that they don’t know the power of love
Things aren’t always what they seem
Love is an amazing force of nature
I would choose love above all else
Because loving is a Godly call

A Chance

A Chance
BY: KB  9.3.16

I would not be true to self
If I had not shared my heart
I would not be true to self
If I had not spoken those three words
I would not be true to self
If I live like or act like
What I spoke aloud wasn’t true
I would not be true to self
If I denied myself the chance of loving you

A Beautiful Noise

BY: KB 7.9.16

Love is usually a silent understanding
An unspoken connection between two people
A nod
A look
A touch
Today I need you to love me a little bit louder
Let’s make a beautiful noise

Monday, November 11, 2019


BY: KB 9.17.16

When it is genuine
you don’t just get a promise
you get commitment behind the words
love should never just be about talk
there should be actions adhered
loved is a verb
and should be revered

5 Times More Than I Ever Loved

Fajr- Considered to be God’s most sacred prayer because others are asleep.
You are my Fajr because I am awaken by dreams of you
wanting to awaken with you next to me
praying together for the kiss, the bliss and the ecstasy

Dhuhr- the midday prayer
You are my Dhuhr my noontime high
My lunchtime prayer
My soul food
Everything in my day that’s good and right

Asr- the afternoon prayer
Quitting time at work
My work day is through
All throughout the day you’re in my thoughts
Now it time to get home to you

Maghrib – sunset prayer
They day is over
We’ve officially done the daily things we had to do
Now I can sit and thank God for the time I share with you

5 Senses

5 senses
BY: KB  11.11.16

A Rose most delicate
The beauty adorns
The stem life’s road
Amassed with thorns
Prickly reminders that don’t detract from the beauty
Just unpleasant reminders to proceed cautiously
A Rose most delicate
Beautiful and sweet
God’s gift to the five senses
Where heaven and earth meet

4 Letters

4 Letters
BY: KB  9.4.16

4 letters
A very small word
But for me
My entire existence hangs on it

4 Chambers

4 Chamber
BY: KB 6.3.16

4 chambers
Mentally, she both consumes my thoughts and stimulates my creative mind. I attempt to match her incomparable beauty to my poetic flow.  Polysyllabic brush stokes for the ear and the brain. Words that cause you to visualize all the many splendid colors of her personal canvas called life.

Emotionally, she brings me joy untold. My words are a feeble attempt to capture all the rapid fire adjective and adverbs that come to mind. Once again I heave the desire to capture her incomparable beauty locking away the precious moments, jewels of wisdom and laughter from spending time together. We create precious masterpieces that can only be stored.

Physically, I desire her on every level of the 4 chambers noting that the physical connection is the easy part a matter of biology and chemistry but we both desire longevity so we dare not rush the process. We both handle our precious gifts of one another with the care and caution of a museum curator; ever mindful of the fragility of the gift.

Spiritually, a triune, a trinity, she, I and God braided together in an unbreakable bond. Having a deep respect for the fact that God has brought us together and we honor Him as we honor one another.

4 chambers
The heart
The only organ that is beyond our control and sustained by God
4 chambers
God filled, God breathed and God loved

1 Kiss

1 Kiss
By: KB 8.1.16

1  of her kisses is never enough
Unless it lasts all night
1 of her kisses is never enough
Because her kisses hit my body just right
1 of her kisses just tends to linger
All I can think about
Is to feel, to touch, to taste her dripping off my fingers

Sunday, November 10, 2019

You're On My Mind

You're On My Mind

By: KB ©  11.4.14

you're on my mind
at this moment in time
I can't help it
you're my dopamine
my non-stop dream
my limbic light
my feel alright
highlighting life's pain
show me how to live again

You're My Star

You're My Star
By: KB © 11.1.14

If you'll be my star
my heart will be your sky
to hold and encompass you
whether near or far
If you'll be my star
promise to shine bright
I will be the nightfall 
supporting your brilliant light
If you'll be my star
I will be your galaxy
giving you a name
you'll always be a part of me

Your Smile

Your Smile
By: KB 9.22.14

Your smile is like Christmas when I was a kid
Excitement to the point of insomnia
Your smile is my sun in the morning
And my romantic moon
Your smile is the brightest light in the galaxy
Shines brightest for me

Your Sadness

Your sadness
By: KB © 10.16.14

You spoke to me and I heard
 sorrow, pain and discontent in your words
you pretend everything is fine
struggling, battling emotions unseen
words that hang on a tear
does everyone hear
I’m not always present
But this I can hear
I see it, feel it, loud and clear
Empty, broken, shattered, pieces 
Known firsthand
Healing begins when we understand
All blessings are given from God’s own hand

Your Flaws Are Perfect

Your Flaws Are Perfect
By: KB ©  10.15.14

Your flaws are perfect for the heart that's meant to love you
Let no one tell you different
Your flaws are badges of where you've been
Things that molded and made you
God's guiding star

Your flaws are perfect for the heart that's meant to love you
God knows exactly where you are
Directing and leading from point A to B
Guiding and instructing
Teaching freely
If we lose our vision or get lost along the way
trust in God's word and humble yourself to pray
Just remember your flaws are perfect for the heart that's meant to love you

You Shared My Soul

You Shared My Soul
by: © KB 9.28.14

You shared my soul
and that's as naked as I could ever be
You shared my soul
the highest level of intimacy
I've made you privy
to God's most personal gift to me

You Matter

You Matter
By: KB ©   10.8.14

You matter to me
You’re most definitely a priority
Now, I can get all flowery and break out with “how do I love thee, let me count the ways”
the list would be innumerable in measure
 let me keep it simple, I praise  God for you are a gift to treasure
A precious black pearl, created by God
A balance of physical and mental beauty
Your visage demands, commands, obligates me to love
Fact is, it’s a Spiritual duty

You Create Beauty

You Create Beauty
By: KB © 10.16.14

You create beauty
The mind will tell you the truth
What you need to hear
But listen to your heart it will guide you past fear
The rational will apply at a later date
But not listening to your heart may destroy your fate
Not the fate in a star
They’re guided but they don’t go far
Fate as in God’s hand
It may seem darkest you understand
But star shine bright at night
He shape molds and moves as part of His plan
And brings our loves to light

You Cant 'Blame Me For Tryin'

You can't blame me for tryin
by: KB 9.13.14

You can't blame me for tryin'
your body a flawless stream of chocolate decadence
and I want to take a swim
You can't blame me for tryin'
inviting waters I can't forget
you can't blame me for tryin'
to dive in and get soaking wet !!!!

You Are

You are
by: KB 9.14.14

You are my inspiration to write
you are the ink to my pen
my vision and insight
my drive to be right and whole
you are the outlet for my soul
to spill words that wouldn't ordinarily come to mind
vulnerability is just fine
because I know each line and verse
is coached, nursed and inspired by you

You Are

You Are
by: KB 9.24.14

You are
the thought behind the question
the words before you speak
the answer written on my heart
the indelible picture on my brain
You are

W's Of Love

W's of Love
By: KB © 11.1.14

she renders me weak
I weep in wonder
never wanting to free myself from the spell I'm under

what, where and why
leaves my brain weary
intense questions
brain and hearts query

when will it happen
where will it go
I can't answer any of this
only God knows
the question feed my love
and with each one it grows


By: Kb 9.25.14

Why ?
Let’s start with the obvious
You’re beautiful inside and out

Why ?
Because you never cease to amaze me

Why ?
Your smile sends me

Why ?
Your level of conversation

Why ?
You’re well read

Why ?
You know intimacy

Why ?
You can laugh at things

Why ?
You like but you don’t need

Why ?
You know how to make a pauper feel like a king

Why ?
You’re crazy, sexy, cool

Why Is It?

Why is it?
By: KB ©   10.8.14

Why is it?
That we tend to embrace the negative words
And messages that people spew
Like it’s the name given at birth

Why is it?
That we cannot accept the fact that people
Can and will embrace our inner beauty
Yet we devalue our worth

Why is it?
We settle for crumbs
When we have a banquet set

Why is it?
We give and give
But we never seem to get

You are a blessed child of God
You are met to lead
In order to claim the rightful place
You must be prepared to bleed
Shedding a little to identify with Christ
Such a little sacrifice to live a purpose driven life

Where you Lay Your Head

Where You Lay Your Head
By: KB ©  10.12.14

She is my music
my up-tempo, my downbeat, my crescendo
she is my art
my pallet, my paint , my knife
she is everything that is beautiful in my life
she awakens with the sweetest breath
and flawless in place hair
and I am envious of your bed
because I want to be the place where you lay your head

When I See You

When I See You
By: KB © 10.14.14

She makes me glad to be alive
in this vitality I can feel my heart grow
the growth is so enormous
joy is overflowing
and long overdo
brings me lots of happiness
with the presence of you

When I Look At You

When I Look At You
BY:  KB ©  10.11.14

When I look at you
I see past what the human eye can see
(even though I need my glasses)
when I look at you I see your very soul
 it speaks to me
I hear every word
It speaks to where I am empty
it speaks to the dark and cold
it gathers up the pieces
and it tightly holds
when I look at you time stand still
captured in a freeze
locked you in my memory
sweet dreams are made of these

What I Want For You

What I Want For You
By: KB  9.26.14

I want her to have all that her heart desires
But I know I cannot afford a lot of material things
Hell I even had a conversation about downsizing and possible upgrading rings
But none of that is important they are just trinkets and shiny things
What I can provide an abundance of does not have a “bling”
I can provide a Biblical love, one that sees, hopes, and endures
And hug and laughter in heaps and bounds
I can provide devotion and support in ways that will astound
I can be there for you tried and true blue
None of this can be really measured on a value scale
But it is what I want for you

Washed Over Me

Washed Over Me
by:  KB ©  10.11.14

I am completely and utterly saturated
flood gates of desire have been opened
you have poured into my landscape
with a force that forever changes
pushing away the debris
carving a path, furrows into my being
firmly entrenched in my soul


By: KB © 11.1.14

Dance with her even if there is no music
the soul makes its own sound
celebrate the things that keep you in sync
twirl her heart around
she is the beat, the rhythm, the dance
she is the music, the notes and the score
she hath charm that soothe savage breast
that leads me to want for more


by: KB © 10.6.14

apart from my soul
to be made whole
heart wide open
day to day
vulnerability allowing God to have His way


By: KB © 10.12.14

We have been blessed with this incredible capacity to love
God's divine work and purpose
it is a gift from above
why is it that the very thing that blesses us
can also be a test for us
We have been blessed with this incredible capacity to love
we cannot keep it on a shelf
the love forever changes us
when we share with someone else

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Urban Sights and Sounds

Urban Sights and Sounds
By: KB                       1.4.2013

Urban litter
Free floating forms of life, times and struggles
Hermetically sealed refuse relegated to multi-colored plastic bins

Urban glitter
Scattered shards scattered about the pavement
A marker for memories and possessions gone missing

Urban music
The clickety-clack of well-worn heels and tennis shoes scuffling
Keeping a fast pace in the rat race to nowhere
The next appointment, back from lunch, bank, market soup line or a spot under the overpass

Life goes on


By: KB © 10.25.14

Try your wings
dare to fly
love is a most beautiful flight
look at me
test your vision
care and compassion in view
what I have are basic gifts
that I want to share with you
you are most amazing
treasured in my sight
my spirit is rested
it finds peace with you
in you my world is right


by: KB 9.26.14

I haven't been anywhere
but my heart goes around the world when I see you

To Love

To Love
By: KB ©  10.18.14

someday you'll understand my love
you'll understand it in every way
that's its drive is to take care of you
and enjoy the day to day
someday you'll understand my love
the time, laughter, smiles and mirth
all the good times mutual
appreciate its worth
someday you'll understand my love
I am driven to, by and for love
my heart attests that claim
it's boldly beating Morse Code
spelling out your name
someday you'll understand my love
God's gift sublime
I'm so glad He bestowed up me
the highest gift divine


By: KB 10.27.14

You’re on my mind
It’s not about missing you at night
Remembering the little things that you do
It’s about how thoughts of you fill my day
When you’re constantly on my mind
You’re the measurement between the seconds in time
And all I think about is you

Time With You

Time With You
By: KB © 10.25.14

My heart is a camera
capturing photos of you
precious memories from the head to the heart
photos that will never fade
spending time with you is how photos are made
precious moments locked in time
personal scrapbooks for my mind
living, loving and laughter
I hope you'll come to see
that time with you
means the world to me


By: KB ©  10.24.14

When I think of her
I wish for the ability to perform miracles
My desire is to fulfill her dreams
Until I can do it how she wants
How she needs
When she wants
I’ll just remain content
To tell her just how much she means

There Is A Lifetime

There Is A Lifetime
by: KB  9.21.14

There is a lifetime of imagination packed in my yearnings
what ifs?  and happily ever afters
there is a lifetime packed in each touch
tender kisses leading to I want you so much
There is a lifetime of ease in each conversation
communication stifles anger and frustration
there is a lifetime in each stare
they lead back to my imagination and I can't envision my life without you there

There Is A Ghost In Every Good Love Story

There Is A Ghost In Every Good Love Story
By: KB © 10.7.14

There’s a ghost in every good love story
Or so it is I’m told
A haunting if you will
With each memory
There is a specter who triggers emotions that will spill

There is a ghost in every good love story
Ectoplasm’s of the past
You’ve got to enlist romantic Ghostbusters
If your thing is to last
Don’t allow the past to slime you
Release all anger and hate
The is no time for argument
Let go of the debate
There is no right or wrong
It’s about the love in which we fall

Who ya gonna call?!!!!

The Worst Thing You Could Do

The Worst Thing You Could Do
By: KB © 11.1.14

The worst thing you could do
is to dampen the fire inside of you
to quiet the chaos
to wait out the storm
it's the chaotic that fuels the drive
the internal storm perpetual
lets us know we're alive
The worst thing you could do
is close off your heart
because of past hurt and pain
love is a whirlwind sometimes
you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain