Monday, June 27, 2016

Love Is…. BY KB 6.27.16

Love is a beautiful thing but we often get it so mixed up and twisted with our own interpretations and life experiences that we often lose focus on what the word and glory of the experience.

Anyone who has ever spent any amount of time with me or with me and my former partner would know that I do not speak the words “I love you” unless I truly mean them. After I was blessed with a bout of cancer, I say blessed because it taught me to slow down and really look at and appreciate all the things I have been given…like life, family and love. I don’t say the words I love you because I know that they have weight attached to them; By the word weight I mean they have a very spiritual essence and sanctity attached. Our use, overuse and our hedonism tends to cheapen them. I don’t ever want to be at a place in my life where I take love for granted.

I am at a place in my life where I have once again been blessed to examine the Biblical essence of love. What does it mean to love? I know in 1 Corinthian 13:13  love is of the highest priority...13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I strive to make love a priority in my life and with the person I am attracted to…I try to keep in mind that people are not always used to experiencing a demonstrative love and it could be somewhat unsettling.

Think about the passage in Corinthians for a minute…love is a priority over faith and hope because love, when we extract our baggage from it, when it’s at its purest form, love is eternal….I feel this in the core of my being and this is why I don’t take the words lightly.

Love is the reasonable amount of service for God’s grace  Luke 7:42   42 Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”  …Love covers a multitude and there is no value to anything that is covered by love…you don’t owe anyone and you can’t buy anyone…love is love is love

Love is a stabilizing factor in our lives  Ephesians 3:17  17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,
Have you ever prayed for anyone in a relationship? Not because you wanted something in return but just because you want the best for them and in them finding their best they give their best….

Love is so beautiful and we can enjoy the beauty of it when we keep it in Godly perspective. I strive to understand it and live it in its true meaning. I pray that I will never again allow anyone or anything take my focus off what love should mean/be

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

IF You're Going To Preach....Preach Truth BY: KB 6.15.16

Now, I have often spoke on this particular passage of the Bible : Philippians 2:12  Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

Now keep in mind that the work has already been done by the sacrifice of Christ – this passage talks about personal righteousness. Keyword, personal…working on your own faith walk and how you represent what you say you believe…..which brings me to my point;  I have watched and listened to an individual bend the Scripture as well as the truth over a number of years and it just makes me ill to watch and hear. This person is one of those people that will convince folks that they didn’t do something although there is evidence all over. “There aren’t the drones you’re looking for” Jedi mind trick type person.

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this person say “the Lord told me” but I watched them do something contrary to what they just said. So the Lord told you to seek something but you don’t do it because thus and so……where’s the faith that you just got finished hyping?  Now we’re on I have a “prophetic word “ where is the substance of the word? Where is the manifestation of the word? What was the plan of action in that word? If it was just for you why are you speaking on it?
Please stop the ride I want to get off….I’m not on the magical mystery tour. The faith without works train needs to stop. The works without faith, empty altruistic tour needs to stop selling tickets….let’s call it what it is. I’m insecure and I need my ego stroked; my life is a wreck and I need to feel like I’m better than you so I pretend to have some deep secret to save your life. I do believe that they used to run snake oil salesmen out of town a while back …..

Preach if you were called to preach….but what I do know that God is not going to call you and then keep you in your stuff because he can/will help you ….work out your salvation…. Which often requires you to take a position of humility….not announce your humility but to actually be humble….

Sometimes we just have to go back to Isaiah 6: 6-7 and really let it resonate and reverberate within us

What Kind Of Fresh Hell Is This? BY: KB 6.15.16

Man oh man!!!! It has been a rough week and here it is only Wednesday. I have a few things to put on blast…I’m usually completely done by Tuesday so let’s just thank our Higher Power that it took an extra day…I guess I’m practicing restraint and using discernment although you might not think so after you read a bit.

First let me talk about Orlando…..I’m sick of hearing people say “I don’t want to hear about it or think about it” because they are overwhelmed by the media coverage. The media is spoon feeding you lies, bias and hate in a very subtle manner. Please pay attention to what is being said and how it’s being said.

The real tragedy of the situation is that they keep reporting “gay” nightclub in order to discriminate. Well, I’ll have you know that I have several very straight, very Christian, very hetero family members who live in the area and who have been to the club and they all report that ALL are welcomed in the club and it was just a place to have a good time. The music wasn’t gay or straight. The drinks weren’t gay or straight. The welcome wasn’t gay or straight….yet all we hear is gay nightclub because the shooter was homophobic and self-loathing.  Funny we never hear the term racist cop unless it’s by the victims of brutality or a victim’s family. We only hear terrorist when someone is Muslim or professes Islam. We only hear immigration or Mexican when some Republican wants to exclude a group but will court the hell out of Latinos/Hispanics in Texas and Florida for a vote. 

This country’s “isms” has no boundaries and it spread as smooth as Nutella (whoops that’s brown ….should I use that analogy? Maybe I should say snow….that’s white and only spreads in certain states)

That being said where in the hell is the conversation about guns? Gun control? Mental Health care? Save all the bullshit rhetoric about the Constitution and patriotism…..people are dying! Don’t even come for me on that “I have a right bullshit” the Constitution was written for and by rich old White men trying to figure out a way to remain rich old White men….It did not include “Uncle Peckerwood and them boys” …look at your history son, your own history. Most people did not get white privilege until they were outnumbered by some type of minority….then and only then did the “passes” get extended.

It’s time to stop the madness and have some real dialogue about the way we do and say things in this country…stop hiding behind God and wrapping ourselves in the flag. We’re a sick society and it’s time for some health and healing!

How ya livin’ ?