Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wrestle with it until it blesses BY: KB © 1.4.15

What can I say other than OMG!!!! I'm all wired so I decided to read a bit of T.D. Jakes before bed...let's just say the reading didn't help because it's now 11 pm and I am up writing this...keep in mind that I am usually awake at  2 am so you can just imagine how long my day has been.

T.D. Jakes floored me with his comments about how fire and adversity purifies things....he touched on how faith cannot change is just the thing that keeps us as we go through the fire to reach our purpose. He spoke on how the enemy uses things to hinder our purpose. But OMG Jakes' insights on Jacob. I was all off into the fact that you have to be alone with God in order for Him to accomplish anything with us. I then flashed back to Jakes' teachings on anointing and Gethsemane. I started thinking about my spiritual rebirth and the adversity that got me alone with God.

Jacob, whose name meant "supplanter" or "trickster", literally "con man" was left alone with God. God cannot accomplish anything with us until we are left alone with Him. There in the isolation of our internal strife, God begins a process of transforming disgrace into grace...It only took a midnight rendezvous and an encounter with a God he couldn't out slick to bring Jacobs leg to a limp and his fist to a hand clasped in prayer. "I won't let You go till you bless me," he cries. God then tells him what he really needs to know. He tells Jacob that he is not who he thinks he is. In fact, he is really Israel, a prince (Genesis 32: 24-30)

When I read this I wondered what I must have looked like to God before He got me alone. I thought about how hot the fire had to be to purify me.

I do know and praise God in the fact that it is impossible to be in His presence and remain the same...I have my new name. I know my purpose and I'm willing to experience the flames.....what about you? How ya livin' ?!

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