Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Knowing Your Name in Christ BY: KB © 1.7.15

Have you been through a test so though that you thought you'd never get through? How did you respond? Did you fight and curse? Did it get you what you wanted? How did the people around you respond when you acted out?

People watch how you go through things. People watch you with a suspect eye if you tend to spout and tout rhetoric and pragmatic dogma and your walk does not line up with your talk.
I can get through most problems with steadfast and stoic faith...I realize that I fall short when I complain. I have to learn to go completely through...I have come to the conclusion that I  miss out on the fullness and the richness of my blessings when I complain.

You may recognize the names Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego but do you know their real names?
Their real names were Hananiah , meaning Jehovah is gracious, Mishael, translate to who is like God and Azariah, Jehovah has helped...when they were thrown into the furnace the name that God appointed became apparent.

What is the temperature of your fire and does your complaining add fuel to the flame? Do you know your spiritual name?

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