Monday, January 5, 2015

Receiving the Holy Spirit BY: KB © 1.5.15

So, yes that opening implies that we were having a previous conversation, yes we were...we're having an ongoing dialog about life, living and change.

Today I read one of my favorite devotional written by Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest. The first questions that came to mind after the reading was related to the book's title: Am I giving my utmost?  That in and of itself is a straight forward question. My answer should be yes or no; if I say yes and add anything to my answer I am NOT giving my utmost.

Jesus answered him, "Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward." —John 13:36

This reading spoke of how Jesus had requested Peter follow Him.  Matthew 4:19  (NIV)  19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” and Peter followed without hesitation.

Three years later Peter is at the point of denying Jesus. He had reached the end of his self-will and self sufficiency...He came to the realization that "the good he wanted to do he could not do" without the help of internal change.

We like to trust in our lip service to faith . We are perfectly content in an intellectual understanding; we can talk about faith all day long but we balk at putting in the actual work....we like to talk about it but can't be about it....yet, we still have the nerve to get upset when someone points out the hypocrisy in our actions.

How ya livin'?!

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