Thursday, January 1, 2015

His Purpose, His Planning, His Timing By : KB © 1.1.15

I'm going to talk about something that only God can do...RESTORATION and RECONCILIATION!

 But before I do...I gotta keep it 100 and spill a bit of my T, yet again. The writing might seem a bit complicated and convoluted for a minute but please try to stay with it and indulge me.

I am guilty of "modernism" by this I mean the thinking of immediate gratification as dictated by our society. I want what I want when I want it. I want it even more so when I consider it something of value, something that defines me, something that strokes my wanton ego.

Long story short...I tried do something that I was prepared to do or equipped to handle. I was in direct opposition to Psalm 127:1 (NIV)  A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

By quoting this I mean that I was attempting to make something happen rather than waiting on God to deliver.  Can I say that God is a wonder and He taught me a valuable lesson in His purpose, His timing and His planning.

God gave me what I said I wanted and I enjoyed it for a period of time but it all came tumbling down because I didn't allow the Lord to build the house, namely me!

Fast forward some time later....when humility reveled itself and I was able to shed my pride and stop being driven by my will, my ego and my determination. I was able to sit at God's feet to be nurtured and to heal. I was able to really see myself and how I was living outside His will for me. I've equated my experiences to the parable of the prodigal's son; Luke 15:11-32.

Because I was able to see myself, not what people saw, not what I wanted them to see but to truly see myself I was able to do the "real work" and lay a proper foundation.

The New Year came in with restoration and reconciliation....I thank God for a clean heart and a right spirit.........

Just saying all this to say that it's never about anything or anyone else....the situation and circumstances all begin and end with you and the choices you make!

How ya' livin'?!!

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