Monday, March 11, 2019

God's Hand

Good morning good people….

Once again I’m back to dissect the word of God in my own inimitable way and today I’m going to talk about the hand of God….

As a kid, I often heard the rehearsed speech from the saints “thanking God for waking them up, clothed (some folks said closed) in their right mind, with the activity of their limbs…” First let me say “closed is a misquote of the scripture Mark 5:15 it’s clothed…but some folks were telling the truth and shaming the devil in the misquote….some church folks are closed minded and I have been guilty of the crime myself a time or two as well…(you might accuse me of it even now but I feel the need to address the church as a collective because we, in our “righteousness” have driven people away from God because we misrepresent Him on a regular)

Ok, whew! I just had to say it before I got into my message…. Now, getting back to the statement “waking up, clothed in my right mind, with the activity of my limbs”
I want to focus on the word limbs and direct you to think about God’s limbs because we don’t often think of God in the flesh… The hand of God is huge and multi-faceted. We have fingers and we have them designated for different purposes and they have different names. We have the wonderful opposable thumb that allows us to grip….we can make a lot of cool things with our hands; pottery, painting, wood working, knitting, sewing….the list can be quite extensive. But, the list is not infinite, amen.

I believe God formed the world. I’m not one to quibble about the literal interpretation of the timeline 7 days could be 7 billion years in God’s time.
I believe God’s hand knit me in my mother’s womb

Psalm 139:13-14 New International Version (NIV)
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
I believe God’s hand consistently restores me when things that seek to harm me happen from without (circumstance) and from within (choice)

Psalm 138:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.
I believe God’s hands feed me, clothe me, protects me, guides me, sets me free to explore but always clearing a path for me to come back home…

God’s hands can do anything but fail…..How do I know? Because I’m sitting here and writing this message knowing that there have been many things that could have killed me but God’s hand was on me……I know at least one of y’all reading this knows what I’m talking about!!!!

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