Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Perennials With Purpose

REAL TALK from KB: Anybody who has spent any amount of time with me knows that I am a fool, fun and crazy jokester but on the same hand I am ‘bout about it when it comes to my faith and spirituality. I acknowledge God first and foremost. My faith is a verb, in action (action word in action….let that sink in) I live, move and breathe in Hebrews 11:1 11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. I believe what God speaks into my spirit and I work on His word….I am like Noah at times, it doesn’t have to make sense to anybody else. The people that KNOW me will also tell you when things go down and get thick. I’m that go to person who will fight…..physically if need be but spiritually for sure.
The enemy rejoices when he thinks he has me,  seeing me go to my knees and then he quakes with fear when he hears the amen. I am that person of faith, that soldier!!!!!!

I once heard a bit of this story on a morning radio show and the person speaking was discussing the Spiritual concept of seasons. He stated that most people don’t understand it because they relate it to the four seasons; winter, spring, summer and fall. He went on to explain that he struggled with the concept for years because he too thought of seasons as a quarterly event. He stated that expected some type of bareness after a milestone event.
After hearing him talk for a minute I began to think about how many people think like this. Just think about your own thought process as a believer. We pray for God to equip us. We receive the answer and we then brace ourselves to await the next trial or blessing.
Now, here’s where I’m going to mess you up a bit…still using the “Mother Nature” example. Believing that we live from trial to victory and vice versa is a denial of the power of the cross. We are perennials.
Perennial plants can be short-lived (only a few years) or they can be long-lived, as are some woody plants like trees. They include a wide assortment of plant groups from ferns and liverworts to the highly diverse flowering plants like orchids and grasses.
Plants that flower and fruit only once and then die are termed monocarpic or semelparous. However, most perennials are polycarpic (or iteroparous), flowering over many seasons in their lifetime.
Perennials typically grow structures that allow them to adapt to living from one year to the next through a form of vegetative reproduction rather than seeding. These structures include bulbs, tubers, woody crowns, rhizomes plus others. They might have specialized stems or crowns that allow them to survive periods of dormancy over cold or dry seasons during the year. Annuals produce seeds to continue the species as a new generation while the growing season is suitable, and the seeds survive over the cold or dry period to begin growth when the conditions are again suitable.
We are always in season. We have to learn to recognize and embrace our source, our gardener and the purpose of our state of being….please note the fact than perennials produce seeds….seeds that survive…

When you read this also think about global warming and what “always sunny conditions” can do; always sunny can harden you and make you take things for granted. Always sunny can dry you out and leave you withered. Always sunny can burn you into bareness…cold, dry, dark is necessary for growth y’all! We are built to survive when we acknowledge the gardener….

Do you have good, strong roots?

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