Friday, April 29, 2016

Message For My Brothers BY: KB 4.29.16

My brothers, princes, kings and gods…..I’m going to address you how the world should…I say should because I, personally, feel that if you felt highly about yourselves you would act accordingly; holding yourselves and other brothers to a higher standard.
I’m telling you this based on my experiences as a gay woman….some of you may not agree with what I have to say so I’m going to tell you to do your own “research” (start asking questions and having difficult questions about yourselves and the messages of misogyny that you allow yourselves to absorb)

I’m one of those people who believes that there is scientific proof of homosexuality. I knew I was gay at the age of five but I didn’t have the vocabulary or the personal space to nurture my authentic self. I have since, after many years of struggle, come to a place of self-love and self-acceptance…..saying all this to say that there have been times in my life where I had to point out to other women that they were NOT gay and that it was not my place to capitalize on their confusion.
The women that I have encountered have been hurt by YOUR actions my brothers…you have watched and learned ways to force yourselves upon women. You have allowed yourselves to learn and practice speech that denigrates your blessing and balance. You’ve learned ways to physical crush the body and spirits of you gift from God….

Tupac left you with a profound message of encouragement when he wrote :
“And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women”

My Brothers and yes, some of you lesbian sisters it’s time to generating healing. It’s time to embrace and restore the spiritual essence of what we call love (Philos, Eros and Agape) 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Bible was right…snakes do walk and talk !!!! BY: KB 4.28.16


Yesterday I posted a line from the song “Back Stabbers”
The line goes “ a few of yo’ buddies sure look shady..” but I changed the lyric to sho’ nuff shady. I changed the lyrics because the situation I was witness to was somewhat similar to an experience I had and it pisses me off every time I see it played out. This incident was especially painful to watch play out because I know one of the people and they have a sweet spirit and I know that this only served to harden them just a tiny bit.
So periodically I delete a few facebook “friends” because I don’t know them and how they even became a part of my facebook in the first place. Whenever I do my “spring cleaning” I manage to inadvertently delete a few people I genuinely like. So long story short ( I know too late, right?!!!) I deleted some folks and by the time I realized that “Hey ol’ so and so hasn’t said anything in a while…” I look ‘em up and they’ve completely disappeared. I look up their girl and OH SNAP!!!! she’s hugged up with someone else in photos. Of course I say something to ol’ girl and I get this short and somewhat shitty response back. I tell her that whatever transpired was between her and my friend ….I ain’t got nothin’ (yup grammatically correct for this situation)  to do with what went down.  I’m still friends with both of you  ….I got dust in the way of a response and heard crickets… this was some months ago….

Yesterday after I was scrolling through IG I was able to piece together the back story. Ol’ girl had hooked up with someone that was allegedly in the “crew” and my young buddy was to green (ol’ girl was only her second serious LTR)  to see the signs.
You have to establish group/crew rules from the gate and let your peeps know that nothing strains a relationship harder than dating ex’s or family members and if it’s off limits tell the crew from the very beginning.
Now, for me, this goes without saying because there is just some shit you don’t do if you view yourself as a decent human being but some folks have to be told this ….and that’s what pisses me off. Why don’t they see that they’re damaging relationship and connections on a very deep level…
To the player involved….just know the same way you swooped on ol’ girl is going to be the same way you lose her. How to you feel posin’ and snapping pics with this woman when a few short months ago you were in her “family” pics?  Don’t say you’re in love because up until you rode up she was in love with someone else….

Another message for you player….some women only serve to teach you some hard life lessons and you’re about to learn that you were something to do until the nest great love rolls up…so think about how you slithered in when the next snake shows up.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN….yeah right!!!!! BY KB 4.20.16

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on my blog….life just caught up with me and I had to deal with a few things and hopefully I’ve dealt with a few things enough to focus.

I had a good night’s sleep so I’m full of “piss and vinegar” as my grandma would say. I went to bed listening to all the noise about the New York, my home state, primary vote.
I’m going to try to be respectful of the winners….please note that I said “try.”

TRUMP – Is running with the slogan “make America great again….” I’m curious to know what timeline he’s using? I suppose America is great when you have money. I suppose America is great when you never have to “juggle” bills or “put something on it.” I suppose America is great when you never had a massive student loan debt. I suppose America is great when you live in a penthouse and never have to worry about multiple rent increases or eviction. I suppose America is great when you never have to ask for a living wage.

Funny how this great country has to beg for a living wage but we’re the same people who will stand in line for  $200 tennis shoes…lining the pockets of the shoe company, a retired ball player who has done very little in the way of philanthropy, knowing full well that someone in some small country is getting about a nickel…..don’t they deserve a living wage? How freaking hypocritical! How can anyone follow Trump knowing he’s part of the 1% reason why people like me can’t retire….robber baron!  What in the hell does he know about diplomacy? You’ve heard what he’s said in speeches and debates?  We might as well just count the days until we really do have weapons of mass destruction pointed at us……but nobody’s thinking about that….they’re all on the Trump says what he’ thinks teat.

Hillary, OMG!!!! I have NO LOVE or sisterhood connection with this woman. I, personally, believe Trump should look at the size of her hands….meaning she’s the biggest penis in the room. Has anyone really questioned her on women’s rights?  The women’s rights are human rights speech is rhetoric….she’s running as Bill’s wife. What was her struggle? How did she overcome? What is it like working in a man’s world?

Now, my real bone of contention with Hillary is how she’s courting the Black vote. Her first faux pas with me was in 2006 when she stood in a Black church during an MLK celebration and made a statement saying that “they’re running the country like a plantation…”

Just let that sink in; a Black church, during an MLK celebration and she’s campaigning with that level of comment.

Her second moment for me was the comment, supported by Bill Clinton, “ bring them to heel…” comment addressing what she believes to be a “super predator” 

to me she may as well have said “we’re now working on ways to break a (insert whatever racial epithet applies) …” while smiling and kissing babies.

The final straw was the ultimate pimp move….she’s on an urban radio program and pulls hot sauce out of her purse (see Beyonce “formation”)….now I’m at the point of not even looking at politics and lobbying. I’m just saying BIH PLEASE!!!!!   Hillary can’t and most likely won’t do a damn thing for me or people who look like me…..I know I CAN count on her to do it to me (every pun intended)   I’d vote for Gumby for president before I would ever cast a vote for her….

Monday, April 4, 2016

DV BY: KB 4.4.16

Having grown up in chaos and madness…I am always emotionally triggered when I see cops responding to a domestic situation, which was the case in my morning commute.

I often find myself praying for the people involved and I pray even harder if there are children involved because I knew what conflicted and confused feelings I harbored as a kid. As an adult it saddens me to see how we’ve become so desensitized and how we’ve normalized the bullshit ( I use the word bullshit because that’s exactly what it is) The sick thing about it is that we're taught that it's our secret to keep. As a child you don't feel safe but you have to hold the secret for the adults. I know of at least two people that I speak to on a regular basis who have lost a parent to the insanity.

As a kid…I remember the feelings and the raw emotion of helplessness as I was sheltered in place in another room but hearing the craziness. I remember being pushed aside for my safety while a hulk of a man (my father) put hands on my mother for some of his concocted madness and insecurities.
As a teenager…I threw caution to the wind, no longer giving a damn about personal safety or who said or did what but I wasn’t going to allow the bastard to put hands on my mother; me standing tall with a healthy sense of fear reaching a point of standoff knowing that someone was about to see Jesus. I guess that’s how I obtain the reputation of the “ENFORCER” of the family because I developed a definitive sense of fair-play and right and wrong and I was willing to fight and die for the principle.

I was raised not to go looking for a fight but I damn sure am not going to run from one either especially when I know a person can’t or won’t defend themselves for whatever reason.
I watched how growing up under “war torn” conditions has impacted me and my siblings…as long as I’m drawing breath my sister will ALWAYS have my protection….she’s not a pushover in any way but she’s also not a fighter. My brother has inherited every shady characteristic of my father…bullying and beating every woman that he has ever been with….he talked about how he disliked the actions of my father (when he was younger) only to become a carbon copy.

I’m not one to take hot tempers or insanity….you put your hands on me be prepared to get it back. I’m not one to look the other way or not report it…..that’s some cowardly bullshit….someone’s life may hang in the balance. I don’t get the news reports after where people say they knew something wasn’t quite right or they’ve heard things…….

Be a human being and save a life…get past the point where you care whether a person likes you or not……it costs nothing to be a decent human being.